Friday, November 16, 2007

Is it really final???

Watching stars at night, I saw your face
When I’m alone, I heard your voice
I’m on my bed, thinkin’ of you
How are you… How do you do.

You love me so much, that’s what you told me
But behind your ways, you’re always leaving without trace
How could I forget you after so many tears?
I knew I would, ‘passing through that mending years.
You said there’s nothing wrong with you
Then why am I feelin’ so blue?
Did I hurt you?
Please tell, so I’ll know.

I long for you intensely
Loneliness seeped through my soul deeply
You owned my heart already
But it seemed that shallow love is what you gave me.
Sorry if I’ve been so cruel
And thought that you’d love me eventually
Sorry if I kept those insanity
And if ever compromised you loving me.

I will remember the things we had
Across the miles I could still see your humble and loving eyes
Thank you for the smile and sweet memories
Just to restore this broken piece, you took the risk.
You knew how much I wanna keep you
I tried to give in and promised that my love won’t end
But then space is really what we need
And I guess letting go was the best thing that I ever did.

I said goodbye for several times
But deep inside it’s just a lie
It’s hard making this feeling die
But it’s a must, this will be the final... Goodbye.

Posted in my Yahoo 360 last March 27, 2006 - 05:17am (PST)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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